Please think of any special moments you remember about Shawn (appropriate and inappropriate) and email them to Sthbmf@twc.com .  His son would appreciate it!

Memorial Events

Evan and his mom, Jamie, got to hand out the scholarship awards in person this year.  Evan did an amazing job with all the speaking and handing out.  So proud of this kid!  

The first scholarship went to a student pursuing a career in pharmacy while fully supporting herself.  That student is Bryn Lester.

 The second scholarship went to a student pursuing a career in History and rocks the trumpet.  That student is John Roth.

Thank you to all who helped with the golf outing where we raised the money to be able to do this.  

Please check out our events page to see what's happening.

On Friday, August 23, 2024 we will hold the 13th annual MSG Shawn T. Hannon Memorial Tournament.  We look forward to the shenanigans!  


The Students We (aka You All) Help


Coming up!

Shawn's Legacy

MSG Shawn T. Hannon Memorial Site


Please note we have a new email address! The new one is sthbmf@twc.com

August 23. 2024 - 

13th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament!!  Stay tuned for details to come.

While officially Evan is Shawn's legacy, we thought the best way to honor Shawn was to create scholarships in his name and help future generations.  Thanks to the Southwestern City Schools Education Foundation, we are able to create several scholarships for a variety of students.  

The slideshows do not have clickable images, but the pictures are larger.  This year's tournament is in a gallery with clickable pictures.